English Immersion Coach role
assisting the immersion teachers with
all matters relating to the English
proofreading any written handouts,
vocabulary lists, tests or exams
observing teachers' lessons and
providing in-depth language feedback
analysing recorded lessons as above
coaching teachers privately for the
likes of the Cambridge Proficiency exam
organising workshops for pupils
writing Matura papers in English
correcting Matura papers that have
been written in English
researching specific topics so that
they can be used in class
recommending suitable English
textbooks or multimedia material
correcting pupils' written and oral
producing handouts clarifying common
team teaching during lab lessons
creating feedback questionnaires for
completion by immersion pupils
conducting quick placement tests and
preparing statistics
maintaining immersion libraries
interviewing prospective immersion
teachers on behalf of principals
establishing contacts in the UK
regarding possible class visits
organising internal workshops for
immersion teachers
networking on behalf of immersion
communicating with the English
teachers of immersion classes regarding
language needs